Attività scientifica
Risorse online e riviste
Banche datiRiviste Impact Factor
Low impact factor group (<1)- American Journal of Psychology 0.29
- British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology 0.512
- Journal of Applied Communication Research 0.741
- Journal of Applied Social Psychology 0.721
- New Male Studies 0.00
- Men and Masculinities 0.865 - Interdisciplinary journal including psychology articles
- Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice 0.603
- International Journal of Indian Psychology 0.363
- Animal Learning and Behavior 1.11
- Applied Cognitive Psychology 1.626
- British Journal of Clinical Psychology 1.879
- British Journal of Developmental Psychology 1.205
- British Journal of Educational Psychology 1.024
- British Journal of Health Psychology 1.337
- British Journal of Psychology 1.58
- British Journal of Social Psychology 1.987
- Communication Research 1.819
- Communication Theory 1.37
- European Journal of Cognitive Psychology 1.241
- European Journal of Social Psychology 1.592
- Evolutionary Psychology? 1.055
- Family Relations: Interdisciplinary Journal of Applied Family Studies 1.024
- Group Decision and Negotiation 1.048
- Human Communication Research 1.8
- International Journal of Psychology 1.067
- Journal of Cognitive Psychology 1.241
- Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology 1.629
- Journal of Economic Psychology 1.47
- Journal of Experimental Child Psychology
- Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior
- Journal of Motor Behavior 1.14
- Journal of Nonverbal Behavior 1.294
- Legal and Criminological Psychology 1.3
- Personality and Individual Differences 1.82
- Group Processes and Intergroup Relations 1.369
- Acta Psychologica 2.37
- Annual Review of Psychology 22.75
- 'American Psychologist 6.537
- Brain and Cognition 2.838
- Cognition 3.411
- Computers in Human Behavior 2.292
- Communication Monographs 2.029
- International Journal of Psychotherapy 2.679
- Journal of Abnormal Psychology 4.515
- Journal of Applied Psychology 3.977
- Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 5.382
- 'Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 4.701
- Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 2.202
- Journal of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences 3.064
- Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 5.205
- Personality and Social Psychology Review 8.195
- Psychological Bulletin 12.854
- Psychological Research 2.863
- Psychological Science 5.09
- Psychological Review 9.082
- Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 2.518
- Health Psychology 3.817
- Psychological Inquiry 6.312
- Frontiers in Psychology 2.843